Here you will find a list of frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not listed here, please contact us using the inquiry form.

How long does it take from application to delivery?

The shortest possible time it takes until delivery is 3 business days. However, the method of airing signage at each distribution location may be subject to change, so please contact us here if you are considering distribution.

How much does it cost?

Please contact us for more information on costs.

Can I use it with digital signage already in use at my store?

Yes, it is possible. Please contact us for more information.

Can I use it on a trial basis?

We may consider this in the future, but we are not accepting them at this time.

Can I request this service from my usual advertising agency?

This is possible if the advertising agency you are working with is registered to handle signage. Even if they are not registered, we can either register them with us or introduce you to an advertising agency that has jurisdiction over the prefecture where you plan to distribute your advertisements.

*For questions not listed above, please feel free to contact us from below.